I visited the nest twice today. At 12:30pm, I did not see the eaglet at all in the nest. I was there about 45 minutes and never saw him (he may have been really low down in it). The parent eagle was over to the right on those tall, bare trees she always sits on.
I also went back at 3:45pm. One parent was in the nest, and the other parent on the bare trees. The parent on the nest just was sitting there looking around. Still, no sign of the eaglet.
Now, here's the thing. I took photos, and you can clearly see NO eaglet in the nest. And, later on, you can see the parent in the nest with NO eaglet. But, I am a DUMMY (admittedly) -- my camera was set on "Tv" (I don't even know what that is, but it's clearly a mistake). So, all my photographs are blurry, like I just didn't focus the camera. SORRY!
I searched the trees for the eaglet and didn't see him anywhere. Again, he could have been way down in the nest, but that seems unlikely since I didn't see him when I went back and the parent was on the nest.