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Adult seen this morning Sept 27; 2 adults on October 2 (photo and map)

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Adult seen this morning Sept 27; 2 adults on October 2 (photo and map)

1831 posts
This post was updated on Oct 02, 2012; 11:14pm.
At 7:40 this morning, Mary Lou and I saw an eagle flying overhead, following the same SE route that we have seen several other mornings. It came from the direction of the nest and was heading towards the large lake in Sunset Lakes. Interestingly, Kelly Smith just reported that an eagle has been seen roosting at the Sunset Lakes Lighthouse "all summer long."

Here is the eagle I photographed this morning:

This Google Earth map shows a straight red line from the Pembroke Pines nest to the Lighthouse (2.8 miles). The bird was following the same path. We were standing at the "Fake Hammock" and the eagle was flying parallel to the red line about 50 yards to the west, so if it continued on this course it would have intersected with the western portion of the Lighthouse lake:

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Re: Adult seen this morning (photo and map)

Jill W
222 posts
How exciting!!  Thanks for the pic and map, Ken.

Is it possible that one of the pair stayed all summer and the other migrated and will return when the time is right?

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Re: Adult seen this morning (photo and map)

1831 posts
Jill, I guess anything is possible. It is true that all the sightings from late spring until now have been of a single adult. Let's hope the second one (or a new mate) shows up soon. I have read that if the female is lost, the male will remain faithful to the nest territory and try to attract a new mate, but if the male is killed the female may abandon the territory in search of another male.
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Re: Adult seen this morning (photo and map)

johnnye J
2 posts
Tuesday, 10/2/12 - just saw 2 eagles perched on melalucas just west of nest.  3:53pm on way home from work.  yeah!
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Re: Adult seen this morning Sept 27 (photo and map)

Mike Fossler
4 posts
In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
Let the courtship begin!

Praying for better outcome than last year!
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Reminder-- start new post on day of observations

1831 posts
In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
Great news that both adults have returned to the nest area. I second Mike's hope that we will have a successful breeding season. The nest is now certainly more visible than last year, except for some twigs from the nest tree that drape down over the nest.

Just a reminder-- it makes it easier for us to keep track of developments if each day's sightings begin with a new topic post with that day's date in the title. Subsequent sightings for that day may either post as replies or start a new topic, whichever is felt appropriate.

