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Al's report, 28 May 09, 2 adults and 1 juvenile seen

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Al's report, 28 May 09, 2 adults and 1 juvenile seen

285 posts
At 8:25, one adult was perched in the pine east of the nest and 1 juvenile, believed to be Justice, was perched above the nest.

At 8:50, the second adult flew in and dropped food at the nest. The juvenile ate and then flew off to the west. One adult flew to the maleleucas and the other adult headed in the direction of the cattle field across the street.

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Re: Al's report, 28 May 09, 2 adults and 1 juvenile seen

46 posts
Great viewing today Trisha!  Stya dry
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Re: Al's report, 28 May 09, 2 adults and 1 juvenile seen

74 posts
In reply to this post by Trisha
Hey Trish, its Kathy here, I have not been at the nest in awhile, have the parents left Justin on his own, or has one parent and Hope left Justice and a parent at the nest?  Sure hope that Justice has not been left on his own.

I really enhoy reading everyones posts here as I do not have much time, of late, to go there.  Thank you all so much for your dedication to these beautiful birds!!
live your life don't watch it go by . . .
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Re: Al's report, 28 May 09, 2 adults and 1 juvenile seen

285 posts
As of now Kathy...the adults are still around...but with much less frequency. Yesterday Al saw both around the nest and 1 of them leaving food.

The last time that I saw both juveniles together was last Friday night at 7pm when Hope flew to a dead tree very far back in the maleleucas to join Justice on a lower branch of the same tree. As I took far away pictures I wondered if it might be the last one I took of both of them together. Perhaps someone else has seen them together since then. That's why posting (or telling someone who does) of anything like that they observe is so important...not just for our own very high interest, but to document their important milestones for an urban, south FL nest.
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Re: Al's report, 28 May 09, 2 adults and 1 juvenile seen

1831 posts
Al reported (per Trisha) that on on May 26 Justice flew off the nest at 10:12 and at the same time Hope was seen soaring from the west and then heading very high to the northwest.

The last photo and report of both chicks together was from Tom Mitchell on the morning of May 23. I displayed Tom's photo (post-publication) on my May 22 blog entry. Here is the link:


Here is Tom's photo taken on May 23:

Has anyone seen both together since?
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Re: Al's report, 28 May 09, 2 adults and 1 juvenile seen

285 posts
Thanks for the correction, Ken. I'm glad we have Tom's good shots in case it was the last time they are around the nest close together. Last night, as Carolyn posted, it was Justice alone sitting way back in the maleleucas looking to the south when we departed just before dark. For so long you rarely saw one of the juveniles without the other being close by.