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Artificial Eagle Nests

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Artificial Eagle Nests

KellyHeffernan Proj Perch
51 posts
Ken & Nancy -

I wonder the success of past "artificial" platforms and I know Ken
probably knows a lot more about it than me.

Out in Lake Waco, they flooded and area and undermined the trees the
eagles were nesting in and nests with eaglets in it literally fell into
the lake, I think 2x, cannot remember the story.  The Audubon out there
put in a 50ft spun concrete pole with a 6ft wide metal frame bowl for the
actual nest.

I think the eagles keep selecting unstable trees, not sure of this year,
but I think so far no eagles have taken up in it.  So some good advice
from others would be needed, but more tall trees for eagles are definitely

Makes me appreciate "artificial burrows" although the digging is very hard
work sometimes!

Regards - Kelly

Kelly Heffernan
SFAS's Project Perch
(978) 412-5313

> Nancy, it is true that eagles usually will defend a radius of 1-2 miles
> around breeding and foraging areas. They are known to occupy alternative
> nest sites within their breeding territory. I don't think there are many
> tracts of suitable habitat in populated Broward County. The idea of
> artificial sites in places such as some of the parks (Miramar Pineland
> Park
> comes to mind, as does Tree Tops) is not so far-fetched. The Ospreys could
> use some as well. If the Pembroke Pines tree were to fall, the eagles
> might
> accept a nearby artificial platform.
> -----
> Ken Schneider
> Web site: http://rosyfinch.com
> Blog: http://rosy-finch.blogspot.com
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Re: Artificial Eagle Nests

1831 posts
I really have no experience with artificial nests. Barbara Walker may know more about this subject. I am copying her.

Near our Illinois home we had the first nest in Kane County since the DDT experience. That nest blew down and grounded two eaglets that were not ready for flight. A wooden platform was substituted but the eaglets fell out of that and had to be reared in rehab. Both fledged successfully.

From 6/24/2012: http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20120623/news/706239931/

Another notable active nest is on private property at Mooseheart home and school for youths in need near Batavia. A pair of bald eagles fledged two eaglets in both 2009 and 2010. Last year, windstorms blew the nest and two little ones out of the tree. A man-made nest was placed in an adjacent tree but the eaglets eventually had to be relocated. The adults returned this year and built a nest in their original tree.

Ken Schneider

Ken and Mary Lou Schneider
Miramar, Florida and North Aurora, Illinois

Web Site: <rosyfinch.com>
Blog:  <http://rosy-finch.blogspot.com/>
Photos: <flickr.com/photos/rosyfinch>
Eagle Nest FORUM: <rosyfinch.com/BaldEagleNest.html#FORUM>
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"Openness to the natural world and our response to it lie at the core of what we do and why we do it." (Fr. Tom Pincelli)
"I am at peace with everything when I can feel, hear, smell and see the amazing wonders that nature can provide." (Ryan Beaulieu, 1987-2005)
On 3/15/2014 7:39 PM, Kelly Heffernan [via Bald Eagles of Broward County, Florida] wrote:
Ken & Nancy -

I wonder the success of past "artificial" platforms and I know Ken
probably knows a lot more about it than me.

Out in Lake Waco, they flooded and area and undermined the trees the
eagles were nesting in and nests with eaglets in it literally fell into
the lake, I think 2x, cannot remember the story.  The Audubon out there
put in a 50ft spun concrete pole with a 6ft wide metal frame bowl for the
actual nest.

I think the eagles keep selecting unstable trees, not sure of this year,
but I think so far no eagles have taken up in it.  So some good advice
from others would be needed, but more tall trees for eagles are definitely

Makes me appreciate "artificial burrows" although the digging is very hard
work sometimes!

Regards - Kelly

Kelly Heffernan
SFAS's Project Perch
(978) 412-5313

> Nancy, it is true that eagles usually will defend a radius of 1-2 miles
> around breeding and foraging areas. They are known to occupy alternative
> nest sites within their breeding territory. I don't think there are many
> tracts of suitable habitat in populated Broward County. The idea of
> artificial sites in places such as some of the parks (Miramar Pineland
> Park
> comes to mind, as does Tree Tops) is not so far-fetched. The Ospreys could
> use some as well. If the Pembroke Pines tree were to fall, the eagles
> might
> accept a nearby artificial platform.
> -----
> Ken Schneider
> Web site: http://rosyfinch.com
> Blog: http://rosy-finch.blogspot.com
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> below:
> http://bald-eagles-of-broward-county-florida.1638815.n2.nabble.com/FRI-MAR-14-2-or-possibly-3-immature-eagles-chased-away-10-15-11-30-AM-tp7573427p7573432.html
> To start a new topic under CURRENT 2013-2014 NESTING SEASON OBSERVATIONS
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