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Bald Eagle Sighting

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Bald Eagle Sighting

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My husband took this picture yesterday (9/24/15) at about 4:30pm at the west end of the park that is on the NW corner of Southgate and Nob Hill.  I am crossing my fingers that it is the Eagle(s) from Quiet Waters Park looking for a new location to build their nest since their nest at QWP is gone.

If anyone has any tips that would help my husband and I track where the Eagle may be nesting please let me know.  She (pretty sure it's a she) was only there for a minute or so after my husband arrived and she took off in the SE direction.

Crossing our fingers!!  XXX

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Re: Bald Eagle Sighting

1831 posts
Wow, those are splendid photos! Such fine feather definition.

I think the Deerfield Beach nest site is the nearest known active nest, about 7-8 miles away. However, the adults may wander locally in South Florida. Anyone in the area should keep an eye out for signs of breeding, such as carrying nest materials, two eagles together or engaged in courtship. Please report sightings here to see if there is a cluster of observations or perhaps a new nest to be reported and watched.

(A tip, when posting photos to the FORUM, select the desired size for displaying them so that they are no larger than screen size. You can choose Small, Medium or Big-- these definitely are high enough resolution to display large. Don't worry about these now-- they are easy to view and enjoy!)

Welcome to the FORUM, lulu24, and thanks again for these superb images!