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Both adults roosting in melaleucas OCT 1

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Both adults roosting in melaleucas OCT 1

1831 posts
On the morning of October 1, the official start of the breeding season, both adults were photographed roosting in the melaleucas west of the nest. This is the first recent sighting of both together near the nest, so let's hope it is a good omen! The photo is posted on Facebook.

Let's keep an eye out for signs of nest building and courtship.
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Re: Both adults roosting in melaleucas OCT 1

1831 posts
Phil Martin provided some additional observations which he recorded while I was in Illinois. This will help me keep the spreadsheet accurate and up to date. Thanks, Phil!

Philip Martin wrote:

9/4 08:00 Female perched east of nest, tree close to sidewalk
9/12 08:00 Both Eagles perched on branch above nest
9/20 08:00 Both Eagles, restorations
9/25 08:00 Both Eagles, restorations
9/26 08:00 Both Eagles, restorations
9/27 08:00 Male perched in dead tree east of nest, observed eye problems both eyes
10/3 Both perched above nest, no activity
10/6 08:00 Female in melaleuca trees after 15 minutes departed to the S/E