1831 posts
We stopped by the nest at around 1:00 PM and watched for about 20 minutes. The female (Jewel) was sitting up in the nest and a white fluffy object was in front of her. At first we thought it was a prey item, but it moved slightly and we realized it was the eaglet (P Piney 19), who is 4 weeks old today. Really large! She lifted her wing once and also raised her head (which is to the left), but I did not get photos of these events. She is certainly very high up on the rim. Our guess is that she had just been fed and was resting, but we should check on her welfare. I hope she is OK. Cannot get out there tomorrow. I am beginning to doubt that there is a second eaglet but could be wrong, so keep looking!

I took about 60 photos but this was the highest position of the eaglet's head I could capture. She did rise up once so nearly the entire face could be seen but it was a binocular view. I am simply guessing, but maybe the reason we waited so long to see the eaglet pop up may relate to the absence of competition from a sibling. No need to stick her head up higher than a nest-mate.