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Monday morning nest watching....

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Monday morning nest watching....

285 posts
was VERY hot (weather wise...I better be careful) with no adults spotted. I arrived at around 9am to see the babies up and flapping. They looked like children jumping on a trampoline....their wings pumping up and down like trampoline jumpers do with their arms. I'm not sure how far off the nest they rose, if any at all. This morning it was all vertical with no travel from one side of the nest to the other. I thought that might be due to the lack of any real breeze, as the other time I watched this activity it was very windy.

Another watcher had been there since 7:30 am and hadn't seen any adults at all. We stayed until around 10:30 when we gave up waiting for the parents. The babies were definitely up and looking. Hopefully the afternoon watchers will get to see a lot of feeding activity.

There were a few cars parked on the south side of the road and 2 police cars came by and stopped and said on a loud speaker that signs were posted that said no parking and the cars had to move.