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NOV 10 - 12 -- No adults reported at nest

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NOV 10 - 12 -- No adults reported at nest

This post was updated on Nov 12, 2020; 8:43pm.
I observed the nest area for about 45 minutes on November 10, the day after Tropical Storm Eta struck. I also checked the known roosting areas along Pines Boulevard between 208th and 209th Avenues, as well as the accessible part of SW 208th Avenue, but did not see any adults.  The nest looked about the same as before the storm, deteriorated with no sign of recent reconstruction.

Annika reported the same results during two visits, one right after the storm and again  at 10:00 AM on November 11,  

Phil visited at 11:30 AM on November 12 and did not see any eagles. He thought the nest suffered more  damage from the storm. Phil visits nearly every day and he last saw them on October 30.

Luis reported that he saw the eagles on November 6

Here are views of the nest taken on NOV 10--


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Re: NOV 10 - 12 -- No adults reported at nest

At what point are we officially worried?
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Re: NOV 10 - 14 -- No adults reported at nest

This post was updated on Nov 15, 2020; 3:46pm.
I checked the nest again yesterday (NOV 13) and did not see any eagles, so I am concerned about their welfare. I last saw the female, sitting by the  nest as if waiting for the male to bring in some sticks, on NOV 4.

Luis saw the female roosting at the corner of Pines & 208th Av on NOV 12, at about 3:00 PM. He checked twice on the morning of NOV 14 and did not see them, but then saw one adult roosting at the corner of Pines & 208th at about 4:00 PM.

The report of an eagle being killed on US 27 was not verified and only a dead Osprey was found. Sure would like to know that the male is OK.

Hoping to hear more reports, whether positive or negative as there are not many eyes on the nest as there were when it was "news."  Normally they would be repairing the nest by now and easy to see.

Here is the nest now:

Here is the nest back in June, 2020 with the female eaglet in it. It has lost quite of bit of material: