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New Female reported present mornings of DEC 29 and 30

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New Female reported present mornings of DEC 29 and 30

1831 posts
Now, this is interesting! Stopped by the nest at about 10 AM this morning and met Luis and Phil. The latter had been there for at least 2 hours. He reported that the new female was there with the male around 8:15. He also saw both the prior morning and is sure of the ID of the female.

An adult was roosting on the horizontal branch above and to the left of the nest, the spot smoetimes used by the new female. (I will temporarily call her "Newfee" or Newf? as she will get a permanent name if she settles down at this nest and, besides, will not be "new" any more )  

This eagle has the tapered shape of the male bird (Pride) (rather than Joy's "pear" shape but interestingly enough he is hanging one foot. We have seen this habit before in both of the adults but never with the leg hanging down in flight or with toes extended as has been documented in the case with Joy. Joy's right foot was the one that appeared abnormal.

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Re: New Female reported present mornings of DEC 29 and 30

Maria Rosa Drake
98 posts
Great pics Ken!!!