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Preparing for the 2022 season with signage to deal with potential problems

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Preparing for the 2022 season with signage to deal with potential problems

266 posts
i reached out to audubon eaglewatch and this is what they said ( we'll have to find out who has jurisdiction over the land since nest is just outside the park. ) btw on fb group someone just posted a video of them on you tube

Unfortunately, you’ll need permission from whomever owns the land the nest tree is on—the city or county-- to put up a sign. If they agree to allow signage, they can either erect one that they’ve designed or Florida Fish and Wildlife may provide a sign for them to use if FWC has any in stock. They can ask by emailing baldeagle@myfwc.com.

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Re: Preparing for the 2022 season with signage to deal with potential problems

413 posts
This is the same people I was talking about in my post, and the same answer I got from them too. So I almost positive that it is DOT property because the "No Trespassing" sign has their name on it, and I think the FWC sign sounds like a great idea. I can see if Evan knows how to get in touch with the property owners since he was just in touch with them for the sewage line they just put in, and he may know who to talk to. I will email him.
AKA: Kit O.
Nature Photographer, Model rocket builder, designer and flyer
Remote Control Gliders & Rocket powered Gliders as a hobby,
AUTOCAD engineer professionally for Fire Alarm Systems in Ft. Lauderdale Itnl. Airport (FLL) & PBIA as well.
Website: http://img.gg/a7WNYUF
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Re: Preparing for the 2022 season with signage to deal with potential problems

413 posts

I emailed him and included Shawnlei Breeding from the eagle watch in this email to Evan, I have already told her about this problem and she is the one who told me about the property owner and needing their information and permission to post a sign, so maybe Evan will come through with a person for contact?
AKA: Kit O.
Nature Photographer, Model rocket builder, designer and flyer
Remote Control Gliders & Rocket powered Gliders as a hobby,
AUTOCAD engineer professionally for Fire Alarm Systems in Ft. Lauderdale Itnl. Airport (FLL) & PBIA as well.
Website: http://img.gg/a7WNYUF
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Re: Preparing for the 2022 season with signage to deal with potential problems

413 posts
I will try these links on Tuesday, unless someone else wants to pursue this?



There was a few others in the search but I think they go to the same site.
AKA: Kit O.
Nature Photographer, Model rocket builder, designer and flyer
Remote Control Gliders & Rocket powered Gliders as a hobby,
AUTOCAD engineer professionally for Fire Alarm Systems in Ft. Lauderdale Itnl. Airport (FLL) & PBIA as well.
Website: http://img.gg/a7WNYUF
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Re: Preparing for the 2022 season with signage to deal with potential problems

266 posts
Thank you and she is the one who responded from eagle watch. It is very frustrating because I can see this being worse next year. Great work ! Let's get this done by next season we have a few months to make it happen
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Re: Preparing for the 2022 season with signage to deal with potential problems

1831 posts
As Kit mentioned earlier, the 330 foot restriction does not apply to areas which were already "disturbed" when the eagles nested. At the Pembroke Pines nest we had to deal with some over-reactions by zealous "eagle wardens" who objected to viewers who took positions on the other side of roadway traffic lanes, or advised passers-by not to walk along the road (or subsequent sidewalk) in front of the nest. Areas where pedestrians normally walk along a paved road should be regarded as "disturbed" and outside the restricted area. Obviously the bike path in the Park is another such area.

Urban eagles are forced to choose some busy spots such as cell towers in the middle of an industrial park (eg., Oakes Rd pair in Davie). Near our Illinois condo there has been an eagle nest in a lone tree the middle of a paved parking lot for several years (Mooseheart School and athletic field). Drivers have learned not to park right under the tree because of the "whitewash." The eagles are adapting and thriving despite all the disturbances.