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Report for 11/26/14 from 10am to 3pm JOY or PRIDE?

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Report for 11/26/14 from 10am to 3pm JOY or PRIDE?

64 posts
Ok Ken all the followers i hope this pictures can help to decide if this is Joy or Pride PLEASE LET ME KNOW at this point i don't know what to think anymore, I took this pictures diferents times a day today i have been back and for and finally i got her/ he out and perching steady enough to get the pic sorry i don't have a good camera but i think the pictures are not that bad after all what i notice is that he/she is in and out constantly is obvious he/she is looking for his/her mate .

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Re: Report for 11/26/14 from 10am to 3pm JOY or PRIDE?

35 posts
These are nice photos!  Thanks.

Nancy Boyle

-----Original Message-----
From: MyEagle13 [via Bald Eagles of Broward County, Florida] <[hidden email]>
To: NancyB <[hidden email]>
Sent: Wed, Nov 26, 2014 4:25 pm
Subject: Report for 11/26/14 from 10am to 3pm JOY or PRIDE?

Ok Ken all the followers i hope this pictures can help to decide if this is Joy or Pride PLEASE LET ME KNOW at this point i don't know what to think anymore, I took this pictures diferents times a day today i have been back and for and finally i got her/ he out and perching steady enough to get the pic sorry i don't have a good camera but i think the pictures are not that bad after all what i notice is that he/she is in and out constantly is obvious he/she is looking for his/her mate .


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Re: Report for 11/26/14 from 10am to 3pm JOY or PRIDE?

Lisa G
158 posts
In reply to this post by MyEagle13
I keep looking at your great pictures to see if this is Joy . Here is a Picture of her in the past look at the white on the Tail .. Not sure by your pictures if it is her or not . I sure hope it is .. It is so much easier to tell Pride & Joy apart when they are together .   Ken I know you are busy with Company in town but if you van text me and let me know if you think myEagle13 seen Joy .. We will be on the road tomorrow .. Prayers this is Her :)

UPDATE !!!!    We are pleased to announce that we are now South Florida Pines Eagle Nest , Inc. a 501 C (3)  as of November 18, 2015 Public Charity Status 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi)  Employer Identification Number : 4-3116409 DLN: 26053716001635  . Donors can deduct contributions they make to us under IRC section 501 (c) (3)  If you have Donated in the last 27 months your Donation  is Tax Deductible ..

Thank you!! If anyone has questions please feel free send an email to ag2761@comcast.net
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Re: Report for 11/26/14 from 10am to 3pm JOY or PRIDE? To Lisa

64 posts
Good Morning Lisa I'm glad to serve and do something to help on this SAD moment I LOVE EAGLES!! and i feel bless to have a nest a few feet from my house, i follow almost every cam on the united states at least all the one well know, i have been doing some researching  and i find out that in some case female decide to skip a season, i still strongly beleaved that our present eagle is Pride on my personal opinion (very personal) beside the tail facts i consider Joy and older eagle than Pride and the picture i took this one look younger than the one you just show me but thats my opinion any ways i also look at the fact that only males own the nest for life once the female is missing he will pair with other female and bring it to the nest in case of male missing female will look for other nest even attack other nest to take over, and the constance of the adult at the nest make me think it's our Pride taking care of his territory, any ways he/she still is waiting for his/her mate though, maybe you're right maybe i have miss her visits to the nest or i'm confuse or maybe she is taking her time and will laid later this season, but i think she is in trouble if is her who is missing, by this time of the season she would have to laid some egg already remember they pair all year long by this time she would it be ready to laid at least one and the one we see on the nest dosen't even laid, is like he is constantly waiting for his/her mate any ways this is my opinion and i'm not an expert, but i will promise you this i will go to the nest every day twice a day and any observation i will bring it to the page unfortunally i dont have any facebook account i try to e-mail you but the e-mail on this site for you on record does not work if you want my pictures to post it on facebook to people to see them and people to judge them maybe we will be more sure just email me at velindasantana@yahoo.com and i will send you them or get them from here if you can i don't mind, i will pray for them both to be safe if is her and not him we may lost the nest until if we are lucky another male find it.
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Re: Report for 11/26/14 from 10am to 3pm JOY or PRIDE?

1831 posts
This post was updated on Nov 27, 2014; 12:02pm.
In reply to this post by MyEagle13
Just now getting back online and these are very good photos, Velinda. It is always so much easier telling them apart when they are together because the female is noticeable bigger. To my eye, Joy is a bit "back-heavy" or "pear-shaped," while Pride tends to taper down in the back. Joy's tail appears shorter-- it may be, but perhaps her primary flight feathers are longer, but in many views her wing tips extend almost to the tip of her tail, as shown in Lisa's great shot. The profiles of their heads can vary depending upon whether the feathers are flat or erect. When the feathers are relaxed I think that Pride tends to show a rather "flat" forehead while Joy shows more of an angle. The depth of their bills at the base is said to be different, with that of the female a bit larger, but I have trouble seeing this in the field. The same for the difference in toe length (hallux) which is longer in females.

All that being said, I think that this eagle's body shape and low forehead point to it being Pride, but as Velinda knows it is very difficult to generalize about these subtle features, A few years ago Pride helped us by sprouting a couple of dark tail feathers, but for at least the past two years they both had pure white tails, although they can be stained at times. So that is my opinion, for what it's worth.

Sorry for my delay in replying but we were up late because the train we were meeting yesterday evening was delayed 4 hours because the train ahead of the one my brother-in-law was riding hit a pedestrian and killed him/her. Finally had to drive up to Deerfield Beech to pick him up, so dinner was very late!
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Re: Report for 11/26/14 from 10am to 3pm JOY or PRIDE?

KellyHeffernan Proj Perch
51 posts
In reply to this post by MyEagle13
We posted this to the Broward County Burrowing Owl Cam FB Page  -  

Our thoughts are with the Pembroke Pines Eagle Nest and the Eagle Forum.  They have not seen both eagles in awhile and are worried about their female, Joy. Volunteers will spend their time this holiday trying to get a definitive picture of Joy. Velinda just got this picture of Pride. Good luck to the volunteers this weekend!

A lot of our local owl fans, follow Pride and Joy too.  We hope with more time at the nest, someone will get that elusive picture right now that everyone will be thankful to see, the 2 birds together again!  

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Re: Report for 11/26/14 from 10am to 3pm JOY or PRIDE?

Mike Fossler
136 posts
In reply to this post by NancyB
Looking at Ken's photos of both eagles posted on Oct. 30, it appears the tail feathers of the male do not show very distinctively while the male is standing upright on a branch. On the other hand, the photos here show the tail feathers very clearly and long past the remaining brown wing feathers, etc. This could well be the female?